하진-We All Lie 벨소리다운 컬러링 설정 (싱어게인55호가수)



제목▷We All Lie (스카이캐슬OST)



편곡▷POPKID, Milo





가수 이미지



We all lie.

tell you the truths

sometimes we laugh and easily lie.

Alright. it’s a.. it’s faker


Shout it out.

What you want for the world

Money, Honor, Beauty

Everything you want

Play with a mask to hide the truth

People cheat each other. right?


Is this really true? Is this really true? Is this really true?

Is this really true? Is this really true? Is this really true?


We all lie.

tell you the truths

sometimes we laugh and easily lie.

Alright. it’s a.. it’s faker


Shout it out.

What you want for the world

Money, Honor, Beauty

Everything you want

Play with a mask to hide the truth

People cheat each other. right?


Run away with me

It’ll be the way you want it.

Is this really true?

Is this really true?

Run away with me

It’ll be the way you want it

Is this really true?

Is this really true?


We all lie.

tell you the truths


Shout it out.

What you want for the world

Money, Honor, Beauty

Everything you want

Play with a mask to hide the truth

People cheat each other. right?



People cheat each other. right?

[벨소리&컬러링 다운받는 방법]

1.PC로 하면 화면오류도 많고 해서 벨365 어플을 다운받아주세요.(구글앱플레이어,원스토어 둘 중 아무곳에서나 다운가능

2.원하는 곡명 찾으시고 컬러링 & 벨소리 중 선택후전송(구간도선택)

3.인증번호 보낸 후 완료되면 컬러링은 자동설정/벨소리는 휴대폰에저장됨

[합법 무료벨소리,무료mp3,무료문자알림음 다운로드]

http://www.bell365.com/bell/pop_freelist.asp <-PC로 접속시

https://m.bell365.com/freezone3/freebell_new.asp <모바일로 접속시

저작권 문제가없는 무료벨소리와 무료mp3이며 무료로 제공하는 다운로드입니다.

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